Teen Racing
In a world first, in 1988, Meremere Dragway decided it needed to get young girls and boys into drag racing. Junior dragsters were born with Murray Smith building the very first junior dragster, which is still around and is owned by Frank Bogaart. Now 24 years later IHRA Motorsports has developed a new program for our racers of tomorrow. The intention is that this will attract new racers and be a transition from a junior dragster to a competition car. This could also lead to inter school team racing in the future.
Teen Racing (TR) gives youths, aged 13 to 17 years old, the opportunity to race in full-bodied street vehicles, with no need to buy a special vehicle. A Co-Driver accompanies the Teen Racer on all runs to act as a coach and to join in the fun. The Teen Racing program is an inexpensive way for families to get involved in drag racing and another chance for parents to cultivate a close working relationship with their children.
All races are conducted over a distance of 1/4 mile with an ET dial-in format and will compete with Super Street.
Requirements & Specifications
The Co-Driver must be the driver's parent, legal guardian, or adult 25 years of age or older and must hold a valid full civil driver's license for more than two years. The Co-Driver must be seated in the passenger seat of the vehicle any time the Driver is in the driver's seat. Co-Driver must drive the vehicle in the pits, into the staging lanes, and on the return road.
Youth ages 13 to 15 limited to 17.0 seconds or slower, youths 15 to 17 limited to 15.0 seconds or slower (up until they have achieved a restricted civil driver's license) may be licensed to compete in TR. All runs must be made with an approved Co-Driver (see above). A photocopy of every competitor's birth certificate must accompany all license applications. Both the competitor and Co-Driver must sign entry and indemnity forms. Vehicle owner must also sign forms if not the Co-Driver.
All competitors must be licensed by an IHRA Track Official. The licensing procedure includes Vehicle Orientation, a Basic Driving Test, and a minimum of six approved runs, as follows. An Official or Co-Driver must be in the vehicle at all times. To satisfy Vehicle Orientation requirements, licensee must demonstrate familiarity with all of the vehicle's primary controls such as pedals, steering, shifter, lights, etc. Drivers must perform this orientation test for each vehicle entered in competition. Licensee must complete a Basic Driving Test, demonstrating the ability to start the vehicle, select gears, turn, brake, and stop proficiently.
The Official will make one run with the Licensee as a passenger. This will allow the Official to determine the safety and eligibility of the vehicle per Elapsed Time limits, and orient the Licensee to track fixtures, starting line, timing system, return road, time slip booth, etc. If approved by the official the licensee must make a minimum of three (3) approved runs with the Official as co driver.
The Licensee must then make a minimum of three (3) approved runs with the assigned Co-Driver, witnessed by the Official. If passed, the Official and Co-Driver sign the drivers licence.
Officials will deny a license to a driver they feel cannot handle the vehicle. Driver may only drive vehicle from the staging lanes and on the track. The Co-Driver must drive the vehicle at all other times.
Teen Racing Membership and License Application Form
Sample Teen Racing Membership and License Application Form
Safety Equipment
Seat Belts, Helmets and Closed Shoes: Mandatory for both driver and Co-Driver.Vehicle
Must be full-bodied car, truck, van, or SUV. Convertibles, Jeeps, motorcycles and race cars prohibited. Vehicle must pass IHRA track scrutineering (a T must be put behind the race number to denote Teen Racing) and a current WOF and registration.
Mufflers and street tyres mandatory (no ET Streets or Quick Times etc). Electronics prohibited (Trans brakes, delay boxes)
Any runs under the minimum ET will result in instant DISQUALIFICATION. Sand bagging is prohibited, one warning will be issued. If a competitor re offends they will be disqualified for the remainder of the event, this ruling will be up to the discretion of the track official.